
Project properties

Name Description Inherited Exported to Kanzi Engine
Name Name of the project item No No
Binary Export Directory Directory name for the KZB files No No
Application Export Directory Directory into which KZB Player version of the project is exported. No No
Kzb Version Kzb version used to export the kzb file. No No
Export Screen to Kzb Whether Kanzi Studio exports the Screen node to the kzb file:
- When you export the Screen node to the kzb file, you can start your Kanzi application with that kzb file (default setting).
- When you do not export the Screen node to the kzb file, you can only load that kzb file during application runtime.
No No
KZB Endianness Endianness of the KZB data. Use the endianness of the target device for optimal performance. No No
Optimize Meshes Whether to perform the vertex cache optimization for exported meshes. Kanzi Studio sets the vertex cache of the meshes to the value you set in the Target Vertex Cache Size property. No No
Target Vertex Cache Size The size in bytes of the vertex cache on the target hardware. Kanzi Studio uses this value when you enable the Optimize Meshes property. No No
Plot Animations Whether to plot non-linear animations into linear animations during export. No No
Default Vertex Attribute Data Type The default data type used in model vertex buffers. Half-float decreases mesh data size by half, but decreases the accuracy too. No No
Round up Image Dimensions to Nearest Power of Two Whether to round up the width and height of images to the nearest power of two during kzb file export.
For example, when you enable this property, Kanzi Studio exports a 40 x 30 pixel image to the kzb file in the size 64 x 32 pixels.
No No
Remove ICC Profile From PNG Images Whether to remove the ICC profile from the PNG images files during kzb file export. No No
PNG Compression Level Affects how PNG images are compressed when exported to kzb. Can be overridden per image. No No
Export Shader Source Code Set to false to reduce the size of the kzb file if all the shaders are binary shaders No No
Property Namespace The property namespace to prepend to the newly created custom property types in this project.
When you change the value of this property, Kanzi Studio asks you whether you want to change the existing custom property type names which use this namespace.
No No
Default Build Configuration Kanzi Studio uses this configuration to build the project. You can add new build configurations in the Library > Applications. No No
Default Material The material that is used in newly created models and imported models without a material. No No
Default Texture The texture that is used for new Image nodes and materials that use textures. No No
Default Cube Map Texture The cube map texture that is used for new materials that use cube maps. No No
Import Material Type The material type under which the materials are imported from 3D asset files, such as COLLADA. "Automatic" option assigns imported materials under different material types depending on their material effect. Note that only basic effects such as Phong and textured Phong are recognized. No No
Premultiply Alpha Whether to premultiply alpha for images during .kzb file export.
You can override this project-wide setting in the Properties of each image.
No No
Description Add a description of the purpose of this item. To export descriptions
to a plain text file, select File > Export > Export Descriptions.
When you export the kzb file, this description is not included in the
exported file.
No No
Preview Background Color The color of the area in the preview window that is not covered by screen. No Yes
Message Limit Per Frame The maximum number of messages sent in a frame. This can be used to detect an infinite loop in a state manager. Set to zero to disable the limit. No Yes
Preview OpenGL ES Wrapper The OpenGL ES wrapper to be used in preview.
Kanzi uses OpenGL to render OpenGL ES content on Windows platform where OpenGL ES is not supported.
Change this setting to change the way Kanzi does the translation.
By selecting Kanzi, OpenGL will be called directly. By selecting Imagination Technologies
Kanzi calls OpenGL ES calls on a wrapper provided by Imagination Technologies
that translates the calls to OpenGL calls.
The latter option provides e.g. a better validation for OpenGL ES shaders
Kanzi engine plugins must have a DLL available with the same ES wrapper, build configuration and Visual Studio version as specified for the preview.
No No
Preview Build Configuration Use release setting for performance and debug setting for debugging Kanzi engine plugins. Kanzi engine plugins must have a DLL available with the same ES wrapper, build configuration and Visual Studio version as specified for the preview. No No
Preview Visual Studio Version Preview Visual Studio version setting is required for Kanzi engine plugin compatibility. Kanzi engine plugins must have a DLL available with the same ES wrapper, build configuration and Visual Studio version as specified for the preview. No No
Preview Working Directory The working directory of preview. Accepts relative path from Kanzi Studio project directory or an absolute path. No No
Full Screen Preview Layer Whether or not to display the preview root layer as fullscreen No No
Show Children in Layer Thumbnails Whether to show the child items in the thumbnails of the layer view that have direct content, such as image and viewport. No No
Binary File Name Name for the binary (KZB) file. <projectname>.kzb by default No No
Descriptions File Name Name for the file into which item descriptions are exported by default No No
Target Graphics API The version of OpenGL used when exporting shader parameters. No No
Is Asset Package When enabled, saving this project will export a manifest file that is used for locating importable assets in this project. Mark the assets to be exported with "Export In Asset Package" property. No No
Half-Float Texture Format Require support for half float texture format No Yes
Half-Float Texture Format With Linear Filtering Require support for half float texture format with linear filtering No Yes
Half-Float Color Attachment Require support for half float color attachment No Yes
Render to Mipmap Levels Require support for rendering to mipmap levels No Yes
External Texture Require support for extenal texture extension No Yes
Resource Keep Alive Behavior The keep-alive behavior to be inherited by resources in the project. Can be used to deny unloading of resources. No No
Material Type Keep Alive Behavior The keep-alive behavior to be inherited by material types in project. Can be used to deny unloading of material types. No No
Start Time The starting time of the global timeline. No No
End Time The ending time of the global timeline. No No

Project available properties

Name Description Inherited Exported to Kanzi Engine
Resource Visibility Across Projects Sets whether the resources of this project are available to referencing projects:
- Private makes the resources available only to this project. This is the default value.
- Public makes the resources available in the dropdown menus of referencing projects.
To override this setting for an individual resource, add and set the Visibility Across Projects property for that resource.
No No
Description Add a description of the purpose of this item. To export descriptions
to a plain text file, select File > Export > Export Descriptions.
When you export the kzb file, this description is not included in the
exported file.
No No

